Hello Totem Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the software!

 NOTE: Our very own Hello Totem app is still in beta testing in the App Store and we are working to get it fully ready, until then it is advised not to use the app unless for testing purposes

Before you begin file transferring your graphics to your holographic totem please advise the following

  • Have the totem powered on and spinning
  • You have downloaded the M3D FloatView App and have connected to wi-fi network name 3D-XXXXXX 
  • Make sure your totem is only plugged directly to the hand grip battery
  • Make the hand grip battery is not being charged at the same time while the totem is powered on

    Common issues


    When file transferring, please keep in mind to

    1. When asked to rename the graphics file, please do not add any spaces
    2. Keep file names very short to 5 characters
    3. The current file limit is around 20-30 graphics at this time until further updates are released.
    4. Please also do not use the design and camera features located on the bottom right of the M3D Floatview app as the app will tend to crash.  

    "My preloaded images are stuck and glitching!"

    This usually means that the brightness level is too bright.  Please use the remote and lower the brightness to immediately lower the brightness.

    "Graphic transfer is stuck at 0%"

    1. This could possibly mean that the totem is full and that some graphics need to be deleted.  This can be done by swiping right on the name of a graphic and then hitting delete.
    2. If the M3D FloatView app crashes, please close the app and reopen it and attempt the graphic transfer again
    3. If you tried all of the above, it could be that the app doesn’t recognize the file on your iPhone because..It’s because your storage is full and the graphic is actually on the icloud.  
      1. Please follow this link for a tutorial on how to do this! (Note: Use m3D Flowview and Delete Hello Totem App. There can be interference between the connections)  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFjLhdLCpI/aLo6da2uixy0aFHpoKcIJw/view?utm_content=DAFjLhdLCpI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

    "My file transfer completed at 100% but now some of my files are missing?"

    1. This can mean that you are near capacity for the totem.  You can try one of two things
    2. Closing the app and re opening and the rest of the graphics will appear
    3. If not rest of the graphics do not appear, please delete the most recent graphic or any graphic and the list will reappear again

    Please note that we are working everyday to create a new app that codes with this hardware/firmware. We are just as frustrated, but we are hopeful that we can make this happen. Just 1 day, is a day closer. Thank you for the support! <3 

    Couldn’t find your question below? Fill out our Contact Us form or Email Us directly at support@hellototem.shop.  Instagram DM's will work as well!